I'll taste them all so you don't have to!

Friday, April 22, 2011

LAN Rioja Crianza 2006, Rioja, Spain

So my guy and I took a break for a bit.  (Don't fret, we are back on and strong!) But what do you really want to do when you're newly single and slightly sad?  Go to a wine bar!  Drown those sorrows and what-ifs in some awesome Spanish vino on half-price glass night.  Seems perfectly logical to me.  We do all know how I feel about Spanish wine though... and I was proven right yet again on this particular occasion!  

So, after sitting sadly for a second, I received the glass I'd asked for- the best Spanish stuff they had around.  The contents of the glass smelled divine.  This Rioja has a peppery, silky, and most enticing aroma.  Ahh.  And of course, it only gets better when you put it in your mouth!  This 2006 stunner was both velvety and spicy at the same time.  It went down the throat beautifully and the finish.... didn't.  Awesome.  The super pleasant tannins on my tongue lasted an incredible amount of time.  They filled my mouth.  Yay!  What better way to be depressed than with a stellar glass of wine?  Misery loves company, especially when that company comes with a buzz.

Varietal: 100%  Tempranillo
Alcohol: 13% 
Origin: Rioja, Spain
Price: ~$10-12 at wine shops and some grocery stores
Rachel's Grade: A-   Damn this dude is good.  For $10, I won't pass it up wherever I can find it.  Wine Spectator rated it one of the top 50 wines for 2010.  So it's stock is on the rise- buy buy buy!

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